BTTAP Grazing Restriction And Livestock Productivity: A Case Study Of Hazara Region

The BTTAP is designed to implement “Green Growth Initiative” in forestry division of the province by forest department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 2014 and ended in 2020. Hazara region is one of the largest regions where this project executed because this region has both territorial area and watersheds. The 90 percent population of Hazara division is living in rural areas and directly dependent on forest base products. People use forest resources for their animal grazing, timber for furniture and wood for energy purpose. We purposely selected three larger districts Abbottabad, Mansehra and Haripur of Hazara Division. We used “primary data” collected through questionnaire-based survey. The 10 villages (4 from the Mansehra district and 3 from each Abbottabad district and Haripur district) and 150 respondents selected from the study area where grazing restriction has been imposed. We used OLS log-linear model on our data to estimate the impact of grazing restriction on the herd size and animal-based nutrients (milk and meat). Our results demonstrated that the herd size has been decline (37.4% goat and 33.9% cow) after the restriction in the study area. Monthly fodder cost per animal has increased by Rs.347 and Rs.618 for goat and cow respectively after the restriction. Our results demonstrated that there is 8.7% and 23.5% decline noticed in the monthly consumption of milk and meat respectively after the grazing restriction. Study also aimed to investigate the economic feasibility and environmental benefits of the project. People used goats’ milk for domestic and cows’ milk for commercial purposes. Cost and benefit of the project is calculated by converting all the benefits and costs into present value. The benefit cost ratio of the project is 1.7 and the value of internal rate of return (IRR) of the project is 7%. Supervisor:- Dr. Abedullah

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Author: Babar Basharat Abbasi
Supervisor: Abedullah Anjum

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