Barriers And Contribution Of Small Scale Female Entrepreneurs: A Study Of Small Scale Salons In Faisalabad
Entrepreneurship is a growing concern for the advanced competitive economy and its contribution to the economy is being investigated the world. . The main objectives of this study are to critically examine the problems faced by women entrepreneurs, to evaluate the factors responsible for encouraging women to continue their journey as entrepreneurs. Moreover, to study how women entrepreneurs contributing in social change and economic development and also to study the policies, programs, institutional networks and the involvement of support agencies in promoting women’s entrepreneurship. To collect data from the respondents, a semi-structured questionnaire was created and utilized. Total 40 interviews were conducted of the female entrepreneurs running salons located in the sample area and 33 respondents presented their responses which were enough for analysis due to saturation. To collect the data purposive sampling technique, a type of non-probability sampling method, was used during the course of this research. Results of the study demonstrate that women entrepreneurs in Pakistan deal with different issues like entrepreneurial/business problems, social/personal problems and technical problems as well and all these problems have negative relation with the working efficiency of women entrepreneurs. Supervisor:- Ms. Fizzah Khalid Butt
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