Attitude Of Chitrali Graduated Youths Towards Entrepreneurship

Purpose – The purpose of this study is to explore the self achievement, risk, self efficacy, finance and Pakistan environment on influencing the attitude of graduated youth towards entrepreneurship. The present study attempted to examine the attitude of the graduated youths towards entrepreneurship, with a special reference of Pakistan, District lower Chitral. Research Methodology – To explore the relationship among considered variables, the current study adopted 26 items scaled questionnaire and used confirmatory factor analysis to develop the factors to represent considered dependent and independent variables. The data has been collected from 135 respondents through an online survey. Findings of the Study – There has been found high internal consistency among the considered factors and the reliability score of all factors recorded greater than 0.6. The study found no significant difference in the attitude towards entrepreneurship among sex, age, and qualification. The correlation analysis revealed the possibility of moderate positive correlation between self-achievements and entrepreneurship attitude while very low positive correlation between self-efficacy, availability of finance, and improve business environment. The coefficient of correlation between fear of risk and entrepreneurship attitude suggested the presence of low negative correlation. The result shows that there is a significant relationship among, risk, self efficacy, finance, Pakistan environment with attitude towards entrepreneurship, except self achievement. Policy Implications – The findings of study revealed that through proper policy making and policy designing, the entrepreneurship attitude and activities among the youth can be promoted in Chitral and other rural areas. These findings are important for new startups and Governments to formulate and execute new policies and procedures. Supervisor:- Dr. Hasan Rasool

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Author: Muhammad Azhar Ud Din
Supervisor: Hassan Rasool

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