An Enquiry Into Economic Anxiety And Student Development

It is evident from the review literature that there is a consistent relationship between student involvement and student development. According to student involvement theory, student development is directly proportional to the student’s level of involvement. The global scholarship has evaluated student involvement in various ways but not given focus to the fact that economic anxiety and attention economy distraction can also influence student involvement but we found in the literature review that these two variables are linked with various fundamental elements of student involvement. In ordered to test these deduced theoretical hypotheses, two different multiple cross-sectional regressions models were applied to the sample set of 241 observations. The first regression model was run for PRE-COVID-19 on-campus student involvement, while, the second regression was regressed for DURING-COVID-19 online student involvement. In the case of PRE-COVID-19, our study results have shown that Social Support and Institutional Quality were positive significant predictors, and Time Spent on Commuting to Campus as well as Economic Anxiety were negative significant predictors of variation in on-campus student involvement across the sample of students. In the case of DURING-COVID-19, Economic Anxiety, Attention Economy Distractions, and Major in Social Sciences were negative significant predictors and Institutional Quality, Technological Status of Student, and Major in Natural Sciences were significantly positive predictors of variation in online student involvement across the sample of students. The study recommends local educational policymakers, researchers, and experts should focus on the overlooked issue of student involvement. This study has also recommended future researchers that develop longitudinal data on student involvement to develop causal chains and pathways through which causal relation of economic anxiety and attention economy distractions to student involvement can be tested. Supervisor:- Dr. Muhammad Jehangir Khan

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Author: Sami Ud Din
Supervisor: Muhammad Jehangir Khan

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