An Analysis of Intragenerational Mobility and its Determinants in Rural Pakistan

This study is an attempt to analyze household income dynamics for rural Pakistan using longitudinal data from PRHS 2001 and PPHS 2010 conducted by Pakistan Institute of Development Economics. Income mobility was studied in absolute and relative aspect using Shorrock‘s Index and Transition Matrix approach respectively. Moreover, convergence was tested through regression analysis. Households with the lowest reported base-year income experienced the largest absolute income gains. Households which had lowest predicted base-year income experienced gains in incomes. This suggested that the growth was pro-poor during the period under study. Convergence was seen to hold in the observed period and structural or macroeconomic changes that favored initially poor households were dominant over the phenomenon of cumulative advantage, poverty traps, and skill-biased technical change. Through regression analysis, demographic and economic variables were found to be important determinants of mobility. Change in the demographic variables was also accounted for because of rapidly shifting household boundaries. Consequently, changing household size and share of children was found to significantly affect changing income. Supervisor:- Dr. G.M. Arif

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Author: Naima Rasheed
Supervisor: Ghulam Muhammad Arif

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