Recreational Value And Willingness To Pay For Tourist Site: Evidence From Kalam District, Swat
Author: Sanaullah

This study, which is among the first in swat valley to value the recreational benefits, to estimate the recreational value (benefits) of the Kalam Swat and find out the responsible factor that affects the visitors’ willingness to pay (WTP). To investigate the desirable changes for increase in the recreational benefits of the site using primary data and applied individual travel cost analysis. The study examined that almost 98 % of the visitors to Kalam valley are willing to pay for further improvements and maintaining the site, in which about 37 % of the of the total respondents are willing to pay PKRS 100 to visit and enjoy the site. There can be considerable revenue, as the total annual consumer surplus or the economic benefit obtained from the recreation in Kalam is approximately Rs.421 million. Various factors influence the number of visits to the site, these includes travel cost, residence of the visitor, gender and quality of the site. However, quality of the site was also expressed as good by as 59.8 % of the visitors. The study recommends improvements in road, construction of safe parking, fun lands and camping sit at Mahodhand Lake. Moreover, the study suggests introducing an entry fee of Rs. 100 based on willing to pay. All the collected money has to be utilized for sustaining the resources. Supervisor:- Dr. Aneel Salman

Meta Data

Keywords : Kalam, Recreational Value, Swat, Tourist Site
Supervisor: Aneel Salman

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