Zia’s State Policies And Their Impact On The Lives Of Pakistani Women: A Contestation Between Enlightenment And Anti-enlightenment Values

This dissertation is based on secondary as well as primary data. The primary data for this research was collected during the time-period August 2016 – December 2016. There were multiple locales from where the primary data was collected. These include National Police Foundation (NPF), Islamabad, two villages from Union Council Charhan, Murree, Federal Shariat Court, Islamabad, Civil Courts, Islamabad, Parliament Lodges, Islamabad and residences of the religious scholars in Islamabad. Multiple tools of data collection were used to include Critical Discourse Analysis, Census forms, Interview schedules and Interview guides. The aim of the research was to figure out the structure, dynamics and content of Zia’s Islamization policies in Pakistan during his rule and its articulation with the ethos of enlightenment. The research also aimed at seeing how these policies discriminated against Pakistani women and the resistance offered by women to these policies. The major findings of the research are a) Zia’s Islamization policies severely undermined the enlightenment values of reason, individual freedom, prudentiality and modernity, b) Zia’s policies were extremely discriminatory against and restrictive of female mobility, women’s access to economic and societal resources and aimed at pushing them into the domestic domain and c) Despite the fact that Zia’s regime ended almost two decades back, the female discriminatory ethos of his Islamization policies lingers on to-date. Supervisor:- Dr Huma Haq

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Author: Talha Saeed Satti
Supervisor: Huma Haque
Keywords : Discrimination against women in Pakistan, Islam and Enlightenment Values, Resistance of Pakistani Women against Islamization and Islam and modernity, Zia’s Islamization in Pakistan

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