Why Do Firms Not Engage In The Production And Export Of High- Tech Products


This Study was intended to identify the restraints of the Sialkot Surgical Instrument Industry that hinder the industry to engage in the production of the modern technology or high technology products. This research was a type of qualitative study in order to get an in-depth understanding of the entire phenomenon. Data was collected through interviews with management of the selected companies. Review of company profile and In-depth interviews was conducted from 10 Surgical Instrument firms in Sialkot. The study uses Thematic Analysis to analyze the data. By using a Thematic Analysis, the collected data obtained from the interviews was examined closely and then fifteen codes and six themes were generated. Further the themes were reviewed and defined. The study found out that the Sialkot Surgical Instrument Industry focuses on the manufacturing of low competitive products because of several reasons such as; there are no funds for the R&D investment, lack of government support, lack of brand name, unfair trade deals, and poor management etc. At the end the study has some recommendations for the industry as well as for the government.

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Author: Mahjabeen Sharafat
Supervisor: Nadeem Ahmed Khan

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