Upward Social Mobility: A Case Study of Women Entrepreneurs in Islamabad
Social Identity is that part of a person’s identity which is manifested because of the social groups that he or she associates with. The research focuses on the social identity theory proposed by Henri Tajfel and John Turner in 1979. According to this theory, the social identity of an individual is born out of a cognitive process involving social classification, social identification and finally social comparison. This research focusses on the social identity of women entrepreneurs in Islamabad. The research tries to explore the process of “Social Change” and/or “Social Mobility” among the women entrepreneurs. The case study research design has been used to analyze the individual cases of women entrepreneurs. The entrepreneur women working in Islamabad for at least one year have been taken as the sample for this study. The analysis of these case studies show that the identity of women entrepreneur is very subjective, and it varies from case to case. So is the process of social change among these women entrepreneurs. The background and upbringing of women also play a vital role in the self-identification. Supervisor:- Dr. Zulfiqar Ali
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