The Role Of Hawa Market In Female Empowerment: Implications For Women’s Development

This research is based on secondary as well as primary data collection. The primary data was collected from Hawa market in Skardu. Qualitative research strategy is used in this research. Methods used for collecting primary data include rapport building, census forms, semistructured interviews, interview schedules, problem-centred interviews and focus group discussions. The units of data collection for this research include women entrepreneurs in Hawa market, women who started their business in the market and then left it, functionaries of AKRSP Skardu who conceived and implemented the Hawa market project, members of anjuman-e-tajiran in Ali chowk, owner of the market and heads of the household from where women entrepreneurs were interviewed. This research aimed at figuring out the conceptualization of empowerment on part of AKRSP as an organisation. It also aimed at seeing if women due to their involvement in Hawa market as entrepreneurs has empowered them psychologically, politically and economically. The major research findings are a) AKRSP concept of women empowerment is limited to women’s involvement in economic endeavours and does not go on to political and psychological empowerment, b) although the women entrepreneurs are earning money but in most cases it is not resulting in their economic empowerment because they are spending that money on the family while becoming victims of double burden, c) most of the women despite earning money have not been psychologically empowered because they accept and work in accordance to the patriarchal norms and values, and d) with the exception of one respondent, all of the other women entrepreneurs interviewed were not politically empowered as far as the public domain is considered. In terms of domestic decision making the result shows that women roles here have increased but the major decision makers are still men. Supervisor:- Dr Huma Haque

Meta Data

Author: Salma Yaqoob
Supervisor: Huma Haque
Keywords : women, women and development, women and economics, women’s empowerment

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