The Impacts of Remittances on Child Education in Pakistan
This study attempts to investigate the impact of remittances on child education in Pakistan. In doing so, the study examines the impact of remittances on child school attendance and attainment of child age group 4-15 years. The study utilizes a nationally representative survey; Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM 2010-11). Migrant network at village level interacted with number of adult at household level is used as an instrument for remittances. The results of the IV-Probit model show that children of remittance receiving households are more likely to attend school. The marginal impact of remittances on school attendance is more for females. Regional wise results show that the impact is more for rural than urban. The result shows that remittances reduce regional and gender disparities in child’s current school attendance in Pakistan. The IV-Censored Ordered Probit model has been used to investigate the impact of remittances on child’s grade attainment. Its estimated impact for child’s grade attainment, of those children who are already at school, is negative. However, the estimate (coefficient) on remittance is significant only for rural children (males as well as females); lowering the probability of a child to attain higher grade. This result could be due to parental absence or family disruption or labour market conditions or incentive effects or these factors might interact and have an overall negative impact on child’s grade attainment in rural Pakistan. Supervisor:- Dr. Muhammad Jehangir Khan
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