The Impact Of Urbanization On Human Capital: A Case Study Of Quetta

This study aims to analyze the impact of urbanization on human capital: a case study of Quetta. The main objective of this study, to empirically analyze the determinants, and identify the causes and consequences of urbanization in Quetta. The design of mixed methods in research included qualitative data and quantitative analysis. For this purpose, the primary data has been utilized and there was 168 sample collected from the Quetta peoples. Mostly respondent have Education, Jobs and Business activities in Quetta. Urbanization has a number of potential economic benefits. It also has the potential to help the struggling Pakistani economy recover. The main findings of this study are causes of urbanisation that peoples are shift to Quetta city due to education, jobs, and health facilities. The essential elements of a Quetta city good education, administration, business, environment, hospitable type, social life. The problems with Urban expansion to get better education and job opportunities, it would be true to say that Quetta do not accept any advancement in any walk of life and the private sector and industrialization are zero. However, the city is moving rapidly towards urban expansion, that peoples are moving to big cities to find jobs opportunities. Government should provide education institutions, libraries and hospitals in every district of Balochistan, then no one will come to Quetta. State facilities are in big cities and it’s a world order that complete the indigenous to migrate from his birthplace in order to domestic them; mean all this scenario is calculated to domesticate the human or isolated from his culture. Supervisor:- Dr. Muhammad Jehangir Khan

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Author: Abid Khan
Supervisor: Muhammad Jehangir Khan

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