The Impact of Green Marketing on Brand Loyalty and Willingness to pay more with the mediating effects of awareness from environmental issues
Author: Muhammad Hassan Bhatti

The main aim of this study is to investigate the impact of green marketing on brand loyalty and willingness to pay more and to investigate-the mediating effect of awareness from environmental issues on brand loyalty and willingness to pay more. An analysis of 250 samples indicated that green marketing positively influence brand loyalty and willingness to pay more. While consun1ers show their willingness to pay more if,they are aware from environmental issues. This study is useful to n1anagcrs,practitioners and policy makers, with the help of this study environment sustainable organization able to target and get their consumers more efficiently. Supervisor:- Dr. Fuad Bashir Awan

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Keywords : Awarencess from Environmental Issues, Brand Loyalty, Green Marketing, Willingess to pay more
Supervisor: Fuad Awan

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