The historical, structural and interactional dynamics of slums of Peshawar

The social interaction has its positive consequences in the form of creating strong social networks within the slums and with the outer society. These social networks help to create social capital for the slum dwellers which is further capitalized for the opportunities like job in both formal and informal sector. These social networks are also exploited by the slum dwellers to influence local police and officials of local government to draw civic and political benefits. However, these benefits are very differential and play out differently for different tribes and identities within the slums. Afghan refugees within these slums while benefiting from low cost housing had to face several challenges on social and psychological levels. IDPs too are prone to some of these challenges and find it hard to draw benefits like locals. Furthermore, both the slums under study have been found similar on the grounds of infrastructure and civic amenities but there have also been stark differences such as social mobility and political rights. Taj Abad which is mainly populated by the Afghan refugees and IDPs while socially more mobile than Shaheed Abad lacks right to political participation and are coerced by the local police for the different reasons. While Shaheed Abad enjoys political rights for being populated by the locals who have registered voting rights and voice in the affairs of their locale. However, they are not as socially mobile as Taj Abad’s slum dwellers. Supervisor:- Dr Muhammad Jehangir Khan

Meta Data

Author: Aziz Khan
Supervisor: Muhammad Jehangir Khan
Keywords : Interactional Dynamics, Kacchi Abadi, Slum Dwellers, Slums, Structural Dynamics

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