The Determinants of Immigration: Evidence from Asian Economies
This study approximate the determinants of immigrants on labor market and economic development in the panel of Asian “as destination” economies. The characteristics of immigrants and its linkage is very importnt and mainly determines the potential impct of immigrants on economic developemnt as well as on labor market. Intutively, the data constraint is key obstacle and characterized impact of immigrants cannot be possible to inteperate. This study empirically analyzed panel data of twenty-one Asian countries over the period of 1970-2015. In analysis, econometrics methodology: Generalized Method of Moment is used for all regression specifications. And approximated outcomes revealed that immigrants in the panel of Asian countries are harmful because they increased unemployment rate, declined employment opportunities as well as wage rate. The inimical approximated coefficients of labor market appeared as the reason to increased dependency ratio. The estimated results indicated that the influence of immigrants on economic development is ambiguous because restricted coefficient are favorable and unrestricted coefficients vice-versa. The ambiguous results are due to specific kinds of immigrant’s data was not available. The approximated coefficients of economic specification show that impact of immigrants on economic growth and fiscal policy is negligible. Supervisor:-Dr. Abdul Jalil
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