Socio-economic Cost And Benefit Analysis Of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Peshawar
There is an increasing trend of development of transport infrastructure in Pakistan to cope with the issues regarding the mobility within the city. To handle the transport issue, most countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa have developed Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) solutions. Traffic congestion in Peshawar has become a major issue. Besides the ill-planned traffic system, various other elements are contributing to it, such as inappropriate car parking due to unavailability of parking lots and roadside encroachments. This Study analyzed the BRT Peshawar through a mixed approach through socio economic cost benefit analysis. We used both primary and secondary data in the analysis while in methodology we use Cost and Benefit Analysis, Mixed Method Approach and multinomial logistic regression. From Primary data, we summarized that the respondents are using public transportation. The mostly respondents said that they took the bus for the vehicle. 36 percent of respondents travel the bus less than once a week, 24 percent who ride the bus 1 to 3 days a week, and 40 percent who ride the bus 4 to 7 days a week. We also analyzed Socio-Economic Cost-Benefit Analysis found through Asian Development Bank data and all the BRT system’s costs and benefits are calculated by comparing them to the base. Evaluate the project’s economic stability using a 9% discount rate and the project’s economic income rate (EIRR) and net present value. Started in 2017, the evaluation expected a two-year project implementation time. After then, there will be a 20-year life cycle of economics (2019 to 2039). The cost data for 2017 is based on a study of constant pricing. This estimate is based on domestic costs. Supervisor:- Dr. Saud Ahmed Khan
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