Role of Demographic Transition and Human Capital Dynamics in Determining Economic Growth

This study seeks to empirically investigate the impact of demographic transition and human capital on economic growth. These impacts have been examined at the aggregate level for a representative sample of developing world as well as for the samples disaggregated into regions and income groups of these developing countries. The empirical analysis is based on panel of 67 developing countries using five year interval data over 1961-2010. We have estimated the dynamic panel using System as well as Difference GMM. The overall results suggest that demographic transition and human capital, in line with the theory, have a positively significant impact on economic growth, at aggregate as well as disaggregate levels. However, the influence is more powerful and obvious at aggregate level. The developing regions like Sub-Saharan Africa where demographic transition is in its initial phase population policy aimed to reduce fertility can accelerate this phenomenon. The pre-requisite to achieve the benefits of this demographic transition in developing world is flexible labor markets capable to absorb the people entering in the working-age population. For market flexibility there should be sustained investment in education and health i.e., human capital. Supervisor:- Dr. Nasir Iqbal

Meta Data

Author: Munir Ahmad
Supervisor: Nasir Iqbal
Keywords : DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION, Economic Growth, Human Capital

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