Quantifying The Environmental Impact Of Mass Transit System Using Remote Sensing And Survey Based Approach: Before Implementation And After Implementation
A sustainable transportation system is a key to a sustainable city. The majority of sustainability indices show that existing urban travel habits are unsustainable. As a result, before our cities can be made sustainable, their transportation networks must be changed and adapted. For this purpose, Mass Transit System (MTS) is a highly innovative and cutting-edge mode of transportation. Due to Pakistan’s fast urbanization and rising levels of air pollution, MTS development was deemed a top priority technology for balancing demand. The main goal of this study is to see if the Murree Road, Rawalpindi MTS has a positive or negative environmental impact before and after it is implemented, to analyze the environmental impact using a GIS-based remote sensing approach, and to see how this policy affects Pakistan’s transportation system, as well as how the environmental impact can be minimized. Environmental quality is an indication of regional quality of life, supporting public health and well-being as well as the natural and regional environment’s sustainability. The images of Murree Road were obtained using QGIS quarterly from 2015 to 2019 for environmental impact measurement. The findings showed that temperature dynamics have improved significantly after MTS was deployed, as have environmental conditions in the study area. The vegetation indices dropped during construction, but they stabilized afterward, suggesting that there was no substantial infrastructural development along the path. In addition to this, a survey is being conducted to find out what people think of the Murree Road MTS if they are comfortable with it, what has to be worked on in their opinion, and how much pollution has been decreased so far. A total of 200 hundred respondents were interviewed face to face along MTS routes, including users, residents, and non-residents. Male users were mostly discovered since there were more seats available for them on the bus, resulting in a gender imbalance. The results showed that MTS has had a beneficial impact on many people’s lives, such as creating jobs, as expected by respondents. Respondents expressed a strong desire to utilize MTS instead of traditional public transportation and expressed satisfaction with its effects. Supervisor:- Dr Junaid Ahmed Co-Supervisor:- Dr Fahad Amjad
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