Privatization And Its Impact On Growth At Micro And Macro Level In Developing Countries
Author: Aimen Tayyab

This study analyses the impact of privatization on growth in developing countries both at micro and macro level. There are two main essays that are discussed in this study. First essay is privatization and its impact on growth in developing countries at micro level by employing the dynamic panel model, the first essay by considering the 100 privatized banks for a time span of 9 years i.e. from 2004 to 2012 for the case of developing countries tests the Gibrat’s law validity and investigates the firm growth determinants. By employing both dynamic and simple panel model regressions the main objective under this empirical study is to extend the literature on privatized firm growth and on privatized firm growth determinants. to control the problem of endogeniety and unobserved individual heterogeniety the system GMM is applied that shows that Gibrat;s law may not be accepted in case of privatized banks whereas the labour quality and size are the main determinant of privatized bank growth.. The second essay examines the impact of privatization on growth in developing countries at macro level. Applying panel data techniques the aim of second essay is to provide an evident based assessment of post privatization performance in developing countries and to examine and evaluate the idea of privatization as being a likely reason for economic growth and to examine whether privatization leads to improvement or reduction in economic growth in the presence of control variables, macro variables and interactive terms for 115 developing countries for the period 1988 to 2008. However the result of this study shows that privatization has a negative impact on economic growth but the interactive terms (i.e.. PRIV*FDI and PRIV*DEBT) positively impact the growth as the theory suggests that these variables could play an important role in determining the impact that privatization has on economic growth. The implication of this analysis is that privatization do lead to growth both at micro and macro level while following proper policy directions. Supervisor:- Dr. Attiya Yasmin Javaid

Meta Data

Keywords : Developing Countries, Growth, PRIVATIZATION
Supervisor: Attiya Yasmin Javid

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