Overseas Migration In Pakistan: Towards An Opportunity For Providing Better Jobs To Youth
Overseas labor migration provides job opportunities abroad. The objectives of this dissertation are to evaluate the effect of overseas migration on the burden of the rising bulge of labor force across the districts, and to generate evidence stating that migrant remittances decrease environmental poverty. This study inquires whether or not Pakistan is losing its overseas migration share in the Gulf labor markets. Two chapters have been developed to analyze several benefits and loopholes of labor migration of Pakistan, based on Pakistan Social Living Standards Measurement Survey datasets, Bureau of Emigration & Overseas Employment datasets, policy documents of Pakistan and other competitors, and interviews conducted with stakeholders. These discussions are presented in chapters four and five. Other chapters include a general introduction, literature review, data and methodology and conclusion. For the process of gathering evidence to prove the negative effect of migrant remittances on environmental poverty, this dissertation first developed environmental poverty index and then used Propensity Score Matching (PSM). The PSM technique covers the selection biasness issue and estimates the impact on selected indicators by comparing the treated group with the control group. For examining the district-wise share in increasing labor force and overseas migrations, this study linked the data of labor force with overseas labor migration, and used GIS mapping for high, medium, and low labor force and labor migration districts. For understanding whether Pakistan is losing its overseas migration share in the Gulf market as compared to the other competitors or not this study reviews policies of Pakistan and other competitors and conduct in-depth interviews with few overseas Pakistani workers, overseas employment promoters, and experts. The study identifies the negative impact of migrant remittances on environmental poverty. It was observed that during 2010-2019 Gujrat was the high migrant district and Karachi was the high labor force district. The study found that Bangladesh and Philippines have huge share of labor migration towards Gulf and Pakistan losing labor migration share in the Gulf. This study concluded that there are many loopholes that have contributed to the downfall of Pakistan labor migration. Supervisor:- Dr. Shujaat Farooq
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