Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic A Stakeholder Perspective

Main purpose of this study was to investigate the barriers and challenges faced by teachers, parents, and children attending primary school being stakeholders of education system during E-learning period as a result of the unusual situation due to pandemic COVID-19. Study was carried out in both Public and Private, Primary Schools of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Quantitative research method was adopted and both descriptive and inferential research approach were used to meet the objective. Two separate questionnaires were designed for covering the perspective of parents / children and teachers, Information from 100(95) x teachers and 200 (183) x parents/children has been collected and analyzed. Parental supervision and education found important dimensions of child education during the pandemic. Findings of study indicated that child learning decreased with the teachers’ feedback to a child’s parent as the teachers’ intimated the parents about a child’s non-seriousness or lack of participation during their distant learning period. Children learning found better in schools that adopted online classes or shared learning material through WhatsApp, both modes were mainly adopted by MFPS and HFPS. Public schools and LFPS mainly relied on assignments during the pandemic. Further those children who have a dedicated room for study have better learning outcomes as compared to those living in one room households. Teachers identified more challenges related to technology that is quality of internet, regarding manitainace of social contact with children Supervisor:- Dr. Muhammad Jehangir Khan

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Author: Sana Habib Chaudhry
Supervisor: Muhammad Jehangir Khan

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