Oil Prices and Workers Remittances in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis

This study constructs the relationship of oil prices and worker’s remittances from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to Pakistan. It formulates the effects of all six member countries which have not enough labor to work in the local industries. Pakistan has also lots of migrants in the GCC countries which gets a reasonable amount of remuneration and sent it back to their household. By using the Panel data estimation technique, it highlightes the multiple variables effects and also the sensitivity of oil prices with the worker’s remittances. The other independent variables which also play quite significant role in effecting the pattern of remittances outflows to Pakistan. The countries which are endowed with huge oil reserves also get huge inflow from oil exports. This inflow results into rise in the demand for industrialization which in turn also arises with the demand of human resource. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates has huge inflow of foreign workers and most of the Pakistanis are also working over there. So these countries are most effective in the variations which also affect the international oil prices and also the outflow of worker’s remittances. As GCC countries are countering the diplomatic situations, they should also focus upon their local industry whether it depends on the labor force which includes foreigners in huge number, so they should formulate the policy which favors the diasporas to work over as it is the main source of income their families living at home. Supervisor:- Dr. Hasan M. Mohsin

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Author: Syed Hasan Ali Naqvi
Supervisor: Hassan Muhammad Mohsin
Keywords : Hausman Test, Oil Prices, REMITTANCES, Remittances-Pakistan, Workers’ Remittances

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