Observations on Conservation and People Attitude towards Endangered Species (Snow leopard in KP) with Special Reference to Chitral
n recent times, the world has lost its biodiversity up to a greater extent as a result of species extinction. But the developing world is the most affected in terms of species loss due to agricultural expansion, weak enforcement of environmental rules and regulations. In Pakistan, there are 37 species and 14 sub-species which are internationally threatened or near threatened mammals and snow leopard is one of those endangered species. There are recent initiatives in Chitral for the biodiversity conservation especially such as “the community-based snow leopard conservation”. But the effectiveness of the conservation is questionable. Keeping in view the conservational issues, this study is designed to evaluate the behavior and attitude of local people towards the conservation of snow leopard in Chitral district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. To know the household‟s socio-economic status, their awareness about the snow leopard as an endangered species and their willingness to pay (WTP) for the conservation of snow leopard, primary data was collected through well-structured questionnaire from the Households in Chitral. Then, a binominal logistic regression was used to know the households WTP for the conservation of snow leopard and its determinants in the conservatory and non-conservatory area. The study evaluated that the increased number of livestock in the area and its predation by the wildlife in general and snow leopard in specific are the main hurdles in the way of conservation initiatives. On other hand, those group of people in the selected area were found willingness to pay (WTP) for the conservation of snow leopard who have membership in gross root institution/s, highest education of the family, higher family income, living in the jurisdiction of conservational area, income from eco-tourism activities, experienced weight losses and death costs of their livestocks other than wildlife predation (diseases). Furthermore, recommendations have been made to overcome the problems in the way of conservation of snow leopard in Pakistan in general and Chitral in specific. Supervisor:- Dr Usman Mustafa
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