Maternal Health Seeking Behavior : A Case Study of Reproductive Women of Slums

The main objective of this study is to explore the current state of maternal (in the reproductive age of 15-49) healthcare practices as well as to identify the determinants of health seeking behavior of reproductive women. The study assesses both ante-natal care (ANC) & post-natal care (PNC) of women in the reproductive age by collecting data from slums of Islamabad. The study interviewed a total of 400 reproductive women via pre-designed semi-structured proforma from different slums of Islamabad divided into 20 Primary sampling units. Results suggest that high rate of unemployment (61.3%) might be because of low level of education (44.7% up to metric). The seemingly high pregnancy loss (20.9%) might be because of poor knowledge on pregnancy complications (87%) and its dangerous signs (82.7%). Majority of them receive ANC more than 4 times but very less seek PNC. Houses are mostly occupied by the slum dwellers with average size of around 3 to 4 Marla’s having 2 to 3 living rooms. About all the houses had kutcha dwelling material and the major water source (from cooking to bathing) is tube well. Most of the houses in slums uses pit toilet in their houses and garbage are disposed at fixed place in slum. Responses showed that lady health worker did not visit their homes and delivery was taken place mostly in government hospitals. The multivariate logistic regression results show that income level, household head, lady health workers visit, level of education and family size are the factors that influence maternal health seeking behavior (both ante-natal care (ANC) & post natal care (PNC)). Supervisor:- Dr Sajid Amin

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Author: Hina Akhter Hussain
Supervisor: Sajid Amin Javed
Keywords : Health Seeking Behavior, Maternal Health, Reproductive Women, Slum Womens

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