Mapping Local Disputes Over Natural Resources in Hunza and Nagar: A Formal and Informal Perspective

Natural resources like land, water, forest and mineral and gemstones are the main source of livelihood and main bases in Hunza and Nagar district of Gilgit Baltistan. The aim of this study is to investigate the natural resource conflicts with respect to land, water, forest and minerals and gem stones. And institutional mechanisms for resolving these natural resource conflicts in district Hunza and Nagar. In this regards primary survey of 390 household heads was conducted, three focus group discussion and eight key informant interviews were conducted from the both districts. The methodology of mixed method approach was used as a research design. Descriptive statistics, a binary logistic model is used for econometrics analysis. The findings show that 59.2 percent land conflicts have existed in the study area, 59.7 percent conflicts are on the water, 59.6 percent forest conflicts and 57.9 conflicts on minerals and gemstones. Along with existence of natural resource conflicts the study also finds the formal and informal institutional mechanisms used for natural resource conflict resolutions in the study area. The results prevail that the informal institutional mechanism is strong in the study area. Supervisor:- Dr. Aneel Salma

Meta Data

Author: Mir Jahan Shah
Supervisor: Aneel Salman
Keywords : Formal Institutional Mechanisms, Informal Institutional Mechanism, Natural Resource Conflicts

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