Local Governments and Sustainable Urban Development; A Case Study of Lahore Metropolitan Corporation
The aim of this study is to analyze the role of local governments (LGs) in the Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) and to analyze the knowledge, attitude & practices of LGs’ members towards SUD, inter-sectoral coordination, current policies and practices of local governments. In this study, a case study approach has adopted and Metropolitan Corporation Lahore selected as a case study. The primary data is collected through key-indepth and informants’ interviews also hold focus group discussions. The study concluded that the local governments’ members have not explicit knowledge about SUD but they have implicit knowledge and understanding about the SUD. There are two types of LGs’ members a) who were part of the previous LG system and b) the new one. The members who were part of the previous system have more understanding than the new one. The new members don’t much know about the Punjab Local Government Act (PLGA) 2013. The attitudes of LGs’ members are very positive but not much enthusiastic due to government behavior. The LGs’ members were very motivated after winning the election but they took oath after one year. Currently, the LGs are not doing anything except street light and encroachments and the general public are accusing them. The powers and functions of LGs were transferred to companies and authorities. These companies and authorities are independent and have no link with the LGs. The situation of inter-sectoral collaboration is verse because there is no defined umbrella at the local level. There are different impediments are faced by LGs but most important is the intervention of MNAs and MPA and establishment of the companies and authorities. The government must arrange training for the LGs and enhances their knowledge about PLGA 2013 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and also take on board while localizing the SDGs. The government must take ownership of LGs and rely on them instead of companies and authorities. Supervisor:- Dr. Sajid Amin Javed
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