Lahore’s Gajju Matta Urban Sprawl: Assessing The Cost Of Public Utilities’provision.

This research focuses on assessing the financial costs of providing public utilities in the context of
urban sprawl and compact development, using the case study of Lahore. The study aims to
calculate the expenses associated with basic public utilities in both the developments, in our case
Gajju Matta and Ichra of Lahore, analyze the disparities between the current and targeted urban
areas, and estimate the costs of providing public utilities under the suggested land-use paradigm.
The findings indicate that urban sprawl in Lahore, particularly in Gajju Matta, increases the
financial burden of public service provision, due to reduced population density, longer commutes,
increased demand for public transit, and traffic congestion. While in compact development the
government burden of providing public utilities is far lesser than the sprawled development. The
study emphasizes the need for alternative approaches to urban growth, highlights the importance
of informed decision-making in resource allocation, and provides valuable insights for
policymakers to prioritize investments and promote sustainable infrastructure design.
Urban sprawl, Compact Development, financial costs, public utilities, Gajju Matta, Land-use

Meta Data

Author: Muhammad Abdullah bin Afzal
Cosupervisor: Saddam Hussein
Supervisor: Abid Rehman
Keywords : Compact Development, financial costs, Gajju Matta, Land-use paradigm, public utilities, Urban sprawl
External Examiner: Malik Asghar Naeem

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