Issues Of Low Registration Of Firms With Employees Old Age Benefits Institution EOBI And Evaluation Of Investments
Author: Muska Nazir


The responsibility of EOBI as an institute is to cover both businesses and individuals who are self-employed. The institute registers enterprises by dispatching field officers across the state. It primarily gathers data and information about workers and employers via surveys. Field surveys are typically conducted by beat officers and assistant directors. It can play a vital role in expanding the pension coverage to wide range of employees working in private sector under the condition that private firms registered themselves with EOBI. However, there are only about 17% of total establishments registered and covered by EOBI. Thus, there is a need to investigate the potential of EOBI and the causes of this low coverage. This study follows case study research design. Firstly, we conducted literature review of relevant studies and documents. Based on our literature review, we subsequently designed instruments for data collection. Then key informant interviews were conducted with officials of EOBI including assistant directors, beat officers and regional officers. We have conducted in-depth interviews with employers and employees of different private owned companies, departmental stores, private schools and factories. The data collected through interviews is analyzed through theoretic approach of data analysis. Our analysis indicated that EOBI’s registration process is hampered by a number of issues. This includes physical surveys carried out by field officers when there is a lack of skill capacity building inside the institution among other problems. Officer performance is also hampered by EOBI’s absence of a promotion policy, and the insufficient support provided to field officers. Similarly, the Employees Old Age Benefits Institution employs only half the number of people required to carry out its operations. Employers’ evasive behaviour and reluctance to register with EOBI are due to the monthly contributions payments that employers must make on behalf of employees. Additionally, EOBI has been in existence for decades however most citizens are unaware of such an institute that provides old age benefits to private sector employees.

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Supervisor: Abedullah Anjum

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