Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Growth: A Case of Exporting Partners of Pakistan
Research and development activities, as well as intellectual property rights, are critical for innovation and technological advancements, enhancing competitiveness, and ultimately driving sustained economic progress. The research uses mixed methods and revolves around exploratory data analysis, quantitative methods, and qualitative aspects. The analysis is done on a sector-wise firm level and with a comparison of countries. Firstly, we compare R&D investment at the firm level across different sectors using PSX-based data from 544 listed firms, selecting 4 firms from each sector. R&D and patents are empirically examined across five sectors in Pakistan: fertilizer, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, electronics, and energy. Secondly, for comparison with Pakistan, we assess the impact of R&D and IPRs on economic growth using a balanced panel of nine countries to which Pakistan is exporting, spanning is 1997 to 2021. The study employs the Hausman test, ultimately favoring the fixed effect model. The findings align with existing literature, supporting the Schumpeter growth models. Additionally, the study conducts interviews with the business community to identify challenges in the patent filing process in Pakistan, offering insights for the government, legislators, policymakers, and researchers. Firms’ analysis shows overall R&D and IPR adoption is very low in Pakistan. Empirical results show that knowledge production and innovation have a statistically positive influence on Pakistan’s economic growth, indicating that robust IPR implementation encourages R&D expenditure, leading to increased knowledge production and innovation at the firm level. However, the country’s implementation of IPR is weak and country is not investing much on R&D. The study finds various challenges faced while filing for a patent in Pakistan, i.e., lack of awareness, absence of automation, minimal R&D
investment, high legal costs, and inefficiencies in the system.
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