Impact Of Work Overload On Work Family Conflict, Mediating Role Of Emotional Exhaustion And Moderating Role Of Social Support

Social support from organization have great impact on the work family conflict. Supervisor support and coworker support help the employees in mitigating the work to family conflict. This empirical study examines the effects of work overload on work- family conflict, and it determines the mediating effect of emotional exhaustion and moderating effect of social support. The sample size of this dissertation is 180 employees, who are working in public and private sector in Rawalpindi and Islamabad, at different middle level managerial positions and data is analyzed by using SPSS 20 through regression and correlation analysis. Finding of the study shows that work load causes the work to family conflict and the social support from the organizations mitigates its impact and it has significant impact on lowering conflict between work and family Supervisor:- Fuwad Bashir

Meta Data

Author: Ahmad Rafia
Supervisor: Fuwad Bashir
Keywords : Emotional Exhaustion, Social Support, Work load, Work to Family Conflict

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