Impact Of Weather Shocks on Farmer’s livelihood in District Multan Punjab

Agriculture in many developing countries faces many climatic challenges such as drought, heavy rain fall and floods. Climate change also impacts the livelihoods of the rural poor in much of the developing countries. Agricultural production is often highly sensitive to the weather shocks and shifts associated with climate change. Higher temperatures and changing rainfall patterns may influence crop yields (Battisti & Naylor 2009, Adams et al. 2003). Cattle and dairy productivity may also suffer from heat waves. Water supply restrictions also reduce productive potential in agricultural productivity. Similarly, Ocean acidification vastly damages fish stocks and sea-level rise may eventually submerge coastal farmlands. Extreme weather events often destroy crops and arable land (Baez et al 2012). Supervisor:- DR. Anwar Hussain

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Author: Sadia Hanif
Supervisor: Anwar Hussain

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