Impact of Liquidity on Corporate Governance and Firm Valuation: Evidence from KSE
Author: Shakeel Fiaz

This study is among the few pioneer studies of Pakistan which examinesthe impact of liquidity on corporate governance & simultaneously impact of corporate governance on valuation of firm. Study also considerthe group &non-group firms and industry wise empirical analysis. The results indicates that liquidity has positive significant impact on corporate governance & corporate governance has also positive impact on value of firm. Study used the three different proxies of liquidity, market to book ratio (MBR) proxy of value of firm and corporate governance index as corporate governance. Results also suggests that there is mix behavior between group vs non-group and across the industries. Supervisor:- Dr. Arshad Hassan

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Keywords : Corporate Governance, Firm Valuation, KSE, Liquidity Impact
Supervisor: Arshad Hassan

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