Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on the Performance of Employees in the Telecomminucation Setor of Pakistan

For getting competitive benefit on this especially unstable business environment, companies are dealing with many challenges, as the success of the organization is based upon the performance of the employees so one of the most important challenge for them is how to enhance the performance of the employees. As employees are the most important component for the success of any organization. For any organization effective human resource management practices plays an important role in getting competitive edge by enhancing the employees’ performance. For this reason, this study is done to examine the relationship between human resource management practices and employee performance. Four major HRM practices were chosen for this study that are recruitment and selection, training and development, reward system, and staff welfare. The main focus of this study is on telecommunication sector of Pakistan(Islamabad). Data was collected through questionnaires and 200 questionnaires were distributed to the employees of telecommunication sector of Pakistan(Islamabad) from Zong, Telenor, jazz, and Ufone. From them 150 questionnaires were returned. SPSS software was used to analyze the data. Different teste was applied on SPSS software such as Descriptive Statistics, Demographic Analysis, Cronbach’s Alpha, Correlation Analysis, ANOVA, and Regression Analysis. The findings of the research suggested that there is significant positive relationship among four selected HRM practices (recruitment and selection, training and development, reward system, and staff welfare) and employee performance. As this study mainly focus only on four dimensions of HRM practices so in future the research should be done on other dimension of HRM practices too. Furthermore, this study is confined in term of sample size, as it is done only in telecommunication sector of Islamabad. So, by conducting this study in other cities or in other industries too the results would be more accurate and generalized. By the implementation of HRM practices in an organization,vi organizations are able to enhance their employees’ performance, so they perform well in order to achieve organizational goals that leads towards the success of the organization. Through this research managers of the organizations get insight to apply these HRM practices to get higher performance. Supervisor:- Dr. Muhammad Majid Mahmood Bagram

Meta Data

Author: Maria Khawar
Supervisor: Muhammad Majid Mahmood Bagram
Keywords : Empolyees in the Telecomminucation, Human Resource Management, Telecomminucation of Pakistan, Telecomminucation Sector

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