Impact Of Housing WATSAN Facilities On Health: Evidence From Pakistan Panel Household Survey 2010

Health is undoubtedly a basic requirement and an important factor of human life. One of the major factors in health degradation is housing environment, which includes housing material, household water source, household sanitation, household waste disposal and indoor air pollution. Health varies with different socioeconomic, demographic and environmental characteristics. The study analyzed the association of different socioeconomic and environmental factors on health. A detailed analysis was done on the effects of housing WATSAN facilities on health through bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis using logistic regression. The association was measured through three indicators: total population reported ill; population reported ill with water borne diseases; and children reported ill with diarrhea. Result showed that different socioeconomic had a very strong association on health of the individuals. Another objective was to measure effects of WATSAN facilities on health. the multivariate analysis the probability of falling ill increased in populations living in households having no piped water source and no drainage system. Whereas the population reported ill with water borne diseases and diarrhea showed significant association for both bivariate and multivariate analysis where the likelihood of falling ill with these diseases increase significantly in the houses lacking both the proper toilet facility and covered drainage system. As for the unsafe source of drinking water, it showed no relation in increasing the likelihood of falling ill with diarrhea and water borne diseases. Pakistan’s socioeconomic and demographic factors strongly affect health; water borne diseases and diarrhea have more significant association with sanitation facilities rather than with source of drinking water. Supervisor:- Dr. Durr-e-Nayab

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Author: Zara Bari
Supervisor: Durr-e-Nayab
Keywords : Diarrhea and Pakistan, Waterborne Diseases, WATSAN

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