Impact of Disaster on Farm and Non-Farm Women Entrepreneurs: A Case Study from Muzaffargarh, Punjab
This study has analyzed the role of women in rural area in terms of income generating activities as small farm and non-farm women entrepreneurs in order to combat with flood disaster losses of Basti Karak, district Muzaffargarh. This study has overviewed the losses of these women entrepreneurs towards land, income, basic amenities, property and life. And explored the extent to which government and non-government organizations have facilitated them for their economic losses due to floods. The research has focused on women entrepreneurs who do small income generating activities for either full or part time and either alone or with family underlying in both farm and non-farm sector. Both primary and secondary data was used for achieving the objectives of the study. The study was conducted by using descriptive research design. In this connection semi-structured and unstructured interviews were conducted from chief disciples and relative farm and non-farm women entrepreneurs respectively. The study found large impact of flooding on economic losses in health, education, migration, seasonality, seasonal working, vulnerabilities, losses to basic amenities, transportation, drainage system, animals, food items, non-food items, miscellaneous items, ox carts, furniture, farm land, vehicles, housing, livestock materials and items, interest and loans, marketing, income wage, medical care expenses and others. But the role of government was very nominal and so-called in assistance of women entrepreneurs’ economic losses. Supervisor:- Dr. Usman Mustafa
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