Impact of Climate Change on Vegetables Production: The case of Potato, Onion and Chilies in Pakistan

This study has been conducted to examine the impact of climate change and weather shocks on potato, onion and chilies productivity in Pakistan by employing the production function approach using the districts level data for the period of 1981-2010. Employing fixed effects model (FEM) and random effects model (REM) estimations on panel data, this study finds evidence for significant impact of climate variables on vegetable production. The impact differs across various phenological stages of the crops in magnitude as well as in direction. Extreme events like flood and drought cause significant reduction in selected vegetables productivity. The area under cultivation have significant role to increase the productivity except in chilies field in Sindh where it cause decreasing returns to scale. Additionally, technological innovations captured by time trend also play a significant role in enhancing the yield of crops except in Punjab in the field of onion where it has negative sign. Key words: agriculture, climate change, phonological stages, yield, districts level panel data Supervisor:-Dr. Munir Ahmad

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Author: Muhammad Irfan Siddique
Supervisor: Munir Ahmad
Keywords : Climate Change, Pakistan, Vegetables Production

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