Human Resource Management and NGO Fieldworkers: Case Study of BRAC and NRSP

The significance of NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations) in development can never be ignored, especially in developing countries like Pakistan. NGOs contact their target population through fieldworkers, who are the executers of development projects. High field staff turnover, poor productivity and low motivation are consistent issues of NGOs. These issues are linked to problems in motivating workers. The objective of the study is to find factors which lead to NGO fieldwork as a career choice, what career issues are faced by fieldworkers and what HR techniques are implemented by HR managers to motivate field staff. For this study an analytical framework is constructed by using Maslow’s hierarchy of theory and Hertzberg two factor theory, which aided questionnaire development. Qualitative research is conducted in which indepth semi structured interviews were done in Rawalpindi-Islamabad. Primary data was collected from HR managers whereas, interviews and case studies of fieldworkers of INGO and NNGO, BRAC and NRSP were also taken. Secondary data includes company’s documents and policies, previous literature and newspaper articles. Majority of the field staff belongs to lower middle class of Pakistan with education level of Matric or F.A. Most of them consider fieldwork a need and a compromise. HR policies for promotion and performance appraisal of BRAC are comparatively better than NRSP but provision of resources in field is better in NRSP. There is a gap of communication between HR managers and field staff in both organizations. Dissatisfaction is shown with compensation and training. Staff faces issue of gender segregation in dealing with clients. Office politics especially favoritism is also observed. Furthermore, recreational activities are needed, to fulfill social needs. Unmarried females in both organizations need their family’s approval for career decisions and are unsure about their future in the job and married women’s decision is dependent on their husbands and in-laws. Vicious cycle or CFA model of HRM is compiled by the author with the help of literature review and research findings which talks about the reasons for the failure of proper HRM techniques in Pakistan. The findings help to prove the assumptions to be correct, which are high motivation levels will lead to higher performance of NGO Fieldworkers, efficient adoption of HRM techniques by managers motivates fieldworkers and existing HRM framework needs to be contextualized for Pakistan. Pakistan needs a hybrid HRM model, which has western concept of HR in light of Pakistani indigenous characters, keeping in view the socio, economic and cultural context. Communication with HR department and field staff should be increased and fieldworker’s salary should also be increased based on performance appraisals. Supervisor:- Dr. Feriyal Amal Aslam

Meta Data

Author: Yaminay Usman Mustafa
Supervisor: Feriyal Amal Aslam
Keywords : HRM, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management- NRSP, Human Resource Management-BRAC, Human Resource Management-NGO's, NGO-Fieldworkers

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