Global Climate Conventions And Policy Issues Carbon Trading Prospects In Lieu With Sustainable Development By Transfer Of Technology
The study ponders over the critical issues of climate change and associated global conventions. Under climate conventions, the input output (IO) analytical approach has been applied to perceive the economic aspects of Carbon Emission Trading in line with Kyoto Protocol under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP ver-7) database has been applied which is widely used for global economic and environmental studies. Moreover, Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) technical reports have been used extensively to highlight the issue of global warming led climate change coupled with scientific findings. From the environmental economic assessment, it is observed that Pakistan has been getting less from the share of Carbon Emission Trading than the major states for carbon embodied in the finished products and commodities. Moreover, an approach to use carbon credits with sustainable green technology transfer has been focused under climate negotiations. The findings show that Pakistan needs proper policy planning for sustainable green technological support to the production sectors of agricultural, industrial as well as services. The conclusion ponders that international environment cum economic relations are important in an era of global climate change and facilitate mutual growth in diverse areas to pacify lives of poverty stricken citizens. The transfer of sustainable green technologies under climate conventions with multilateral environmental agreements would be beneficial for the man of the planet earth globally. Supervisor:- Dr. Usman Mustafa
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