Gender Face Of Climate Change: Women Perceptions And Coping Strategies

Climate change is nowadays accepted as the major global problem the world faces presently. Along with affecting population overall, climatic change is pressurizing rural women more in many areas of the world due to their difi’erent socio-economic characteristics, assigned role and responsibilities making them different from men in terms of impact, perception and adapting to the changing climate. This study explores the gender dimension of climate change focusing on women ’s perception about climate change and their decision of adapting coping strategies in response to the climate related shocks in Pakistan. Treatment Ejfect Model was used in the study to evaluate the determinants ofwomen perception and adoption of coping strategies. This assessment was undertaken using data from “Climate Change Impact Survey, (CCIS, 2013) by PIDE—IDRC. The results from the Selection (Perception) equation showed that education, farming experience and climate information through traditional sources were significantly and positively affecting the women ’s likelihood of perceiving the changing climate, Moreover, the results from the outcome (Adaptation) model revealed that age, education, farm experience, land rights, women empowerment, livestock ownership and change in rainfall are crucial factors in determining the adoption of coping strategies by women. The results further suggest that to avoid the adverse effect of climate change, policymakers should focus on promoting awareness about climate change, providing credit facilities to women for undertaking adaptation measure, encouraging informal social network and besides these, it is also necessary to invest in education to increase the adaptive capacity of women. Supervisor:- Dr. Sajid Amin Javed

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Author: Hajra Batool
Supervisor: Sajid Amin Javed

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