Fuel Wood Consumption, Health and Rural Livelihood: A Case Study from Abbottabad

Fuel wood is an important source of energy for cooking and heating in the rural area of district Abbottabad. The study was based on primary data, data were collected through well-developed questioner and interview method. The main objective of this study was, A) Quantify the sources of energy for cooking and heating. B) To explore the factors effecting the fuel wood consumption. C)To study the role of fuel wood collection in rural livelihood. D)To study the impact of fuel wood consumption on human health. Initially, we observed that 81% of the total household in the study area used fuel wood for cooking and heating, and only 19% of them used both fuel wood and LPG. This study revealed that annually about 2064 ton of valuable wood is used for heating and cooking. During summer season, pressure on forest for fuel wood is comparatively higher because 73% of the total household collect fuel wood in summer season. we analyzed that, “number of wood collector, family size and LPG price” was positively affecting the fuel wood consumption. On the other hand, “education of household head and distance from home to collection point” was negatively affecting the fuel wood consumption. We also observed that fuel wood is not only used for cooking and heating, but it was also used for subsistence need. Current study revealed that fuel wood contributes RS.6793/month to each household, which is 17% of the total income. Finally, we observed that wood users are getting sick more frequently because the wood users have traditional and poor cook stove in kitchen. Supervisor:- Dr. Abedullah Anjum

Meta Data

Author: Muhammad Tanvir
Supervisor: Abedullah Anjum
Keywords : Fuel wood use, Human Health, Rural Livelihood

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