Firm Size, Exchange Rate And Exports Performance: A Firm Level Study Of Pakistan’s Manufacturing Sector

It is the age of globalization and each country is striving to grasp the export-led phenomenal growth. Exports being an engine of economic growth accelerate the process of development. In the realm of exports, domestic firms can reap economies of scale and profitability by more internationalization and globalization. Escalation in exports produces more foreign exchange earnings and permits the country to import the necessary raw material and capital goods to achieve development needs. Export concentrated countries acquire more economic efficiency on account of advanced technology, competition and learning by doing [Krugman, 1984]. In fact, exports are the sources of many other positive externalities such as generating employment opportunities, improving production chains and creating innovation and competitiveness [Braga and Willmore, 1991; Tybout, 1995; Czinkota, 1999; Tookey, 1964; Leonidou et al. (2002); Din et al., 2009]. Thus, exports enhance the economic efficiency and productivity gains of the countries by getting technological transfer and diffusion. Mostly East Asian countries along with China and India have adopted the export-led growth strategy with more economic integration to achieve growth targets. This gives the insight to the developing countries’ policy makers to give more attention to exports in their development agendas. Supervisor:- Dr. Ejaz Ghani

Meta Data

Author: Asad Abbas
Supervisor: Ejaz Ghani
Keywords : Exchange rate, Exchange Rates-Pakistan, Exports Performance, Manufacturing Sector, Manufacturing Sector-Pakistan

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