Factors Influencing Crop Water Productivity in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis
The study estimates the impact of different factors on water productivity of wheat, rice, maize, cotton and sugarcane in Pakistan during the time period of 1983-2014. To this end the ordinary least square and autoregressive distributed lag models have been employed. The findings show that impact of temperature and precipitation varies across the crops and their respective growth stages. Temperature has positive impact on water productivity of cotton at vegetative stage, while it effects the water productivity of cotton negatively in flowering stage. Temperature impacts negatively the water productivity of rice in sowing stage and positively in vegetative stage. Water productivity of wheat shows the negative response towards the temperature in vegetative stage and responds positively in maturity stage. Temperature in germination and tillering stage positively impacts the sugarcane water productivity while in vegetative growth stage it has harmful effect. Temperature is found to be negatively impacting the water productivity of maize. The results further show that precipitation is beneficial for rice in sowing and maturity stages, while this adversely impact the cotton at sowing and vegetative stage. Precipitation has positive impact on the water productivity of maize. Precipitation in vegetative and has positive and in maturity stage has negative impact on water productivity of sugarcane. CO2 emission also found to be positively impacting the water productivity of rice. Furthermore fertilizer consumption positively impacts the water productivity of cotton wheat and sugarcane except for maize and rice. Distribution of improved seeds shows the positive impact on water productivity of rice. Water availability shows the positive and significant impact on water productivity of wheat. Technological improvement and availability of tractors positively impacted the water productivity of maize. On the premise xii of the outcomes, the study suggest the development of heat resistant and high yielding varieties, balanced use of fertilizer and adoption of improved technology. Easily accessibility of agriculture credit to farmer is also recommend to enhance the water productivity. Supervisor:- Dr. Anwar Hussain
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