Evaluation of Disaster Risk Management: a Case Study Of Gilgit Baltistan
Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) is located in the northern part of Pakistan. Due to its unique geographical location in the Himalayan, Karakoram, and Hindu Kush Mountain ranges. This region is highly vulnerable to climate change and disaster events. In GB, the Gilgit Baltistan Disaster Management Authority (GBDMA) was established in 2017 to better manage and minimize the devastating impacts of disaster events and now disaster management authorities are established in all ten districts of GB. However, consequences and losses from disasters are not reduced significantly. So, this study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of GBDMA in the implementation of DRR measures in District Skardu. Key-informant interviews were conducted with government agencies, academia, and non-government organizations and thematic analysis was used for interpretation and analysis of data. The lack of proper risk assessment, vulnerability assessment, and disaster preparedness plan, and insufficient resources (capital, financial, and human) concluded the ineffectiveness of GBDMA implementation of DRR. In GB for effective implementation of DRR, scientific-based disaster risk, and vulnerability assessment, digitization of disaster authority, and implementation of a bottom-up approach are some recommended measures.
Flood insurance can be used as a tool for transferring disaster risks. This study also determined WTP for flood insurance by using a discrete choice model. With the help of a survey questionnaire and choice cards, primary data was collected from 102 respondents. The results showed that people were willing to pay for flood insurance, but affordability was the main issue. Further people preferred the government as a provider, so the government of GB should take flood insurance initiative with the collaboration of private companies and international climate financing organizations.
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