Economic and Environmental Costs and Benefits of Paper -Mulberry: A Case Study of Islamabad
Author: Syed Umar Hayat Shah

Pollen allergy is a major issue for the residents of Islamabad. This study aims to find out the economic and environmental cost of paper mulberry and its alternative plants. This study further assesses the impact of pollen on human health. The study is based on primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected through structured questionnaire and secondary data was taken from Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD). For estimating the impact of pollen allergy on human health, this study used simple descriptive statistics. The finding shows that children and male are more affected by pollen allergy compared to other gender. The affectees of pollen allergy are higher in the age group of (0-15) years which is 32 percent of the total affectees. The frequency of the age group 40 plus is low as compared to other age groups. The number of allergy patients increases in the months February to April which is also in line with official statistics of the higher pollen count in these months. The average cost that was paid by each patient was Rs. 450 per month with maximum cost Rs. 2203, and minimum cost was Rs. 70. The Pine Rexburg (Chear) tree has showed maximum monetary benefits as against Paper mulberry which yields lowest benefits. For this purpose the Government should launch awareness campaign in the study area. Free of cost treatment should be given to the pollen patients. The government should take steps to remove the most allergenic/pollen produce plants from the cities. So the health cost may reduce in the study area. The cost-benefit analysis shows that Pine Rexburg and Kachnar are the best alternative to Paper Mulberry; therefore plantation of these tree species should be encouraged. Supervisor: Dr. Anwar Hussain

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Keywords : Islamabad, Paper Mulberry, Pine Rexburg, Pollen allergy
Supervisor: Anwar Hussain

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