Devolution of Power under 18th Constitutional Amendment and Its Impact on Women’s Empowerment (Locus; Rawalpindi – Islamabad)
This study aims at explaining the practical implications of devolution plan which became law as a result of 18th constitutional amendment in 2010. The study is based on primary data collection as well as desk review. The primary data was collected from October 2017 till the month of August 2018. This study also focuses on seeing women‟s status in the locales in pre and post- devolution times. The two major questions asked in this research includes, a) whether this devolution plan has empowered women of the selected locales, b) has the devolution plan has increased women‟s political and economic participation. This study follows the qualitative strategy of research. The units of data collection for the current study were, a) common women from both of my locales, b) women councilors of Rawalpindi and Islamabad and c) Chairman of the Senate Committee on Devolution Process. It employs In-Depth interviews from different stakeholders as the main method to collect primary data. It uses descriptive research designs. The primary data was collected from two locales, one from Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Supervisor:- Dr. Huma Haque
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