Development and Identity Politics in Balochistan

The research is based on primary as well as secondary data collection. The primary data was collected from universities in Quetta. This thesis was done using qualitative research strategy. Methods used for collecting primary data include semi-structured, problem centric and indepth interviews. The unit of data collection for this research included students and faculty of the universities and the local political representatives of Balochistan. The research aimed at figuring out the role of local political representatives in the development process of Balochistan. It also aimed at seeing if the perception of the youth, especially students regarding the development in the province and how they perceive the role of their representatives, either political or tribal. The major research findings are a) a significant inclination has been observed towards the democratization of the tribalism, including local and tribal representatives, b) although the federal government has not be completely declared responsible, but the provincial government has been blamed for the difficulties including basic needs, education, health and development process which has been very slow in past ten years. c) Both ethnicities, Baloch and Pashtun have been observed of having strong difference on the issue of census, but they also are blaming each other for not supporting the causes of others on political level. The last thing which is important to mention is that the armed struggle in Baloch areas has been blamed for harming the right cause of Baloch community and their struggle for rights and resources. Dr. Muhammad Jahangir Khan

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Author: Qudrat Ullah
Supervisor: Muhammad Jehangir Khan
Keywords : Baloch and Pashtoon, Development, Identity, Identity Politics, POLITICS

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