Determinants Of Hotels’ Prices: A Case Study Of Selected Hotels In Islamabad And Rawalpindi

This study estimates the impact of various influencing factors on the room rates of hotels in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. I applied hedonic pricing model and used panel data obtained from 20 hotels for the time period 2010 to 2015, through questionnaire. I used random effect model. The results show that the star rating, availability of shuttle bus service within and outside the city, star, gym, security guards, hotel location, online reservation, presence of garden, hot tub and cafe have significant impact on hotel room rates. Online reservations, hotel located within city center and distance from airport have negative relationship with hotel room rates. Assessment of the relative importance of hotel attributes will escape investors and hotel managers from extravagant on insignificant attributes this will enhance their revenues. The hotel owner should give priority to the security related attributes for customer’s satisfaction. Supervisor:- Dr. Anwar Hussain

Meta Data

Author: Zunaira Zareen
Supervisor: Anwar Hussain
Keywords : Environmental attributes, Hedonic Model, Hotel Charges, Socioeconomic factors, Tourists

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