Cyber Crime In Pakistan: Detection and Punishment Mechanism

Cyber-crime is an emerging phenomenon with technological advancement affecting each of the state. Cybercrimes are easy to commit, thus each of the country is dealing with the problem of cybercrime victimization and employing certain suitable measures to overcome of it. This current research study is Pakistan‘s based to evaluate ―Cybercrime in Pakistan: Detection and Punishment Mechanism‖. As in context of Pakistan the issue of cybercrime is not being sorted out effectively and more of the incidents being occurred on daily basis. Women are being reported high being victims of the cybercrime as well as the specific age group is revealed to be highly victimized. The problem is becoming worsened due to the unawareness among people and the inadequate practice of the preventing measures within state. The students of the top ranked and high enrollment rate universities of Pakistan are the potential targeted respondents of the study. The data has been collected for this quantitative research study through online survey and the questionnaire was self-developed. Self-selection of the respondents has been adopted as the sampling technique of the study. The statistical analysis has been performed on this quantitative study and the verification of the hypotheses has been presented alongside the contextual support. The findings of the study reveal significant relationship of knowledge of cyber-crime, socio demographic factors and behavior of using internet with the ratio of cyber-crime victimization. The policy has been proposed based upon the results gathered and the support of the public policy theory. The final part of the study presents the recommendation. Supervisor:- Dr. Miraj-ul-Haq Co-Supervisor:- Dr. Karim Khan

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Author: Ubair Anjum
Cosupervisor: Karim Khan
Supervisor: Miraj ul Haq
Keywords : Cyber Laws, Cyber victimization, Cyber Violence, Cybercrime, Routine Activity Theory

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