Consumer Preference for Eco-Label Fish: A Case Study of Islamabad

The present study focuses on the consumer preference for eco-label fish. The study is based on the primary data collected from six selected marts in the capital city “Islamabad” through questionnaires and interviews from the managers. The selected marts are Metro, Medina, Punjab, Day and Nit cash and carries, D. Watson and Save mart. The sample size of the study is 299 customers. The basic purpose of the study is to be determine the existing status of the ecolabels and factors affecting the consumer preference for eco-label fish (i.e. Shrimp, Prawn, Rahu, Mushka, Black Pomfret, and Pam Plate). Findings reveled that quality of services, education, income and prices have positive impact on the consumer preference for eco-label products (fish). During survey it is observed that customer wants that government should have proper monitoring system amid public awareness for eco-labels. Customers are also conscious about their health and they consider quality of services provided by the marts. It is also recommended that government should strict legislative regime for maintenance of regulations pertaining to eco-labels and impositions of fines and penalties for the violators. The government should also do uniform standardization control for eco-label. Supervisor:- Dr. Anwar Hussain

Meta Data

Author: Ghania Inam
Supervisor: Anwar Hussain
Keywords : Consumer Preference, Eco-Label Fish, Islamabad

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