Commuting Time And Its Implications On Personal Care, Social And Household Based Activities: A Micro-econometrics Analysis

This study describes individuals’ trade-off among daily commuting time, personal care, social and household related activities by taking into consideration the association between commuting time and daily performed main activities via a cross-sectional analysis of 37,830 individuals, from a nationally representative dataset i.e., Pakistan Time Use Survey (2007). In this study firstly, we explored the most important determinants of commuting time using binary logistic regression model. Secondly, we examined whether there is trade-off between daily commuting time and daily performed main activities: personal care, social and household related activities using seemingly unrelated regressions model. We calculated mean adjusted minutes made on daily performed main activities for several daily commuting time. The average daily commuting time found to be 111.00 minutes and 28.22 minutes for both male and female respectively. A 60 minutes increase in daily commuting time is associated with 38.37 minutes and 42.89 minutes decrease in personal care related activities for male and female respectively. While household related activities decrease by 24.13 minutes and 73.63 minutes for both male and female respectively. But social and cultural activities increase by 3.22 minutes and 10.95 minutes for male and female respectively. Similarly personal care related activities of individuals from urban and rural decreased by 42.89 minutes and 46.88 minutes respectively. The comparative analysis is also explored for province i.e., Punjab, Sindh, KPK and Balochistan and for age specific groups. This study conclude that few amount of time given to household based activities and personal care related activities due to lengthy daily commuting duration affects one’s daily routine life. This study suggests that an individual should make utmost efforts to reduce daily commuting time: by searching a job closer to their dwelling, residence should be nearby city centre where use of land is multipurpose (not at edge of city that is greatly affected by sprawl). Supervisor:- Dr. Zahid Asghar

Meta Data

Author: Muhammad Nasir
Supervisor: Zahid Asghar
Keywords : Commuting Time, Econometircs Analysis, Household Based Activities, Personal Care, Social Care

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